Digital Photography Tips – Don’t Be Afraid to Try WordPress For Your Photo Blog

Despite what many people might think, you really don’t need to spend thousands of dollars setting up your digital photography niche blog (or photo site/website – we mean the same thing here). It can be easily accomplished at a mere fraction of that by using WordPress, and we’ll show you how to do that in this article.You may also have been thinking that you need to have your digital photography portfolio on show at all times too. This is a nice idea… but I’ve found that it’s much more beneficial to post fresh content to your blog often enough, so that the search engines discover you and reward you with good regular visitors (traffic) through to your blog.To see what I mean, next time, before you jump online, ask yourself ‘what is it I want to learn?’ What am I looking for? I guarantee that you’ll be going online to find helpful information. And maybe great images too. Of course, when you discover great images, you like to read about ‘how’ the images were made, right?What I’m trying to say here is that writing good content will be the lifeblood of your blog. This will make or break it. Focus on writing good content and you will have it made. You can always add images to this mix at a later stage.Now, onwards and let’s set up your blog. A recommendation, in this case, is to use the free to create your blog. WordPress allows you zillions of templates, add ons and plugins, is a very low cost way to build a website. Not to mention that they also have fabulous support forums where you’ll find hundreds of enthusiastic users who can be very helpful to your cause.You could also use, or even if you were hard pressed. With a little online exploration, I’m sure that you’d find other blogging platforms available too.However once you’ve discovered WordPress you won’t have eyes for anything else. You’ll just want to keep learning and fit all the pieces together to discover how it works. In a nutshell you now need to search for the right WordPress template to use – and there’s hundreds of these available too, so set aside some time for this. (You can always change themes as you go, but try searching for ‘wordpress themes’ for starters).Of course, there’s a lot more to it than what I’ve attempted to lay out here. But at the core is finding a good theme and starting to post (write) your ideas out, with some sort of regularity. And so if there’s any digital photography tips I can give, it’s just this – start with WordPress, focus on creating great content, and don’t spend thousands on a photo website until you truly know how great WordPress can be.